Message from Design Director: Design in Motion

Greetings from the Kyoob-ID team!

We're pleased to announce the culmination of a couple of projects, one of which is global semiconductor firm TriQuint Semiconductor. Setting foot in Singapore for the very first time, TriQuint has appointed Kyoob-ID as their interior partner for the design and build of their new office at Changi Business Park. We're most honoured to be awarded for the design of their office, which is designated to be the new international headquarters of TriQuint.

Helping clients with international presence set up their office, align their corporate identity, and overcome their challenges is a role we undertake with dedication and satisfaction. More of these will be covered in our upcoming communications. Other projects Kyoob-ID recently completed include GDF Suez Trading, the European energy trading arm of GDF Suez and Nanyang Polytechnic Library.

At Kyoob-ID, we believe in working hard but we do not forget to crack ourselves up from time to time. We also enjoy having a great time together. Just last month, we decided to drop everything and stuff ourselves at the scrumptious buffet at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. And all of us managed to send a colleague off for his holiday at the same time. Yes, over here, we pack our days with hard work but we also remember to have a life. Next time, we're planning on something sporty and strenuous. Dragon boat maybe? Do stay tuned.

Improving lives at the workplace is Kyoob-ID's mission, and we'll carry on doing it with passion. We love to hear from you. Send us a note:

Michelle Goh, Design Director

Project Update: TriQuint Semiconductor

Kyoob-ID was commissioned by TriQuint Semiconductor for a design and build project for its Singapore office. The office is a new international headquarters of TriQuint and provides a suite of dedicated services such as supply chain management among other resources for its international customers, suppliers and manufacturing partners. Spanning an area of 4,500 square feet and located at Changi Business Park, the design and build project was completed in less than 6 weeks.

Cast in neutral muted shades of grey and bronze, the office emanates quiet confidence and a presence that is characteristic of international firms. TriQuint's corporate colour stands out in prominence in the dark navy signage wall, reinforcing and aligning the corporate identity of this global semiconductor firm. To provide a beautiful contrast to the dominant blue, teak with black grains is chosen for the table tops.

In an office or any other strategic space, functionality is as important as aesthetics and it's of no exception here. To maximise space and function, the signage wall on one end acts a corporate signpost to receive guests, and on the other end, doubles as a partition divider cum full-height storage for office needs.

Kyoob-ID also utilised the window view, which looks out into a garden landscape, and the natural lighting it provides, in its office layout planning, to provide ample light into the working area. Coupled with a high ceiling, the office space looks even more spacious and expansive, adding a sense of openness to the work environment. Besides the working area, the office incorporates a meeting room, a conference room, a server room, and a shared utility corner.

A Chat with Kyoob-ID's project team on how they manage their work and what they like best about their roles:

Project Manager Jeremy See, Design Manager Maggie Yeo, and Designer Charinee Srisantitham.

1. How long have you been with Kyoob-ID?

Jeremy: I joined kyoob in Oct 2010 although I've been in this industry for almost 15 years.
Maggie: In Jan 2011.
Charinee: Since Jan 2011.

2. Tell us about your role in Kyoob-ID and your involvement in a typical project.

Jeremy: I work as a project manager in Kyoob-ID. Typically my role entailed supervision of alteration & amendment (A&A), mechanical & engineering (M&E), work place health and safety issues, and interior fit-out works (carpentry etc). This would include the preparation of work schedules, planning and executing all related works sequence, overseeing the entire project construction progress as well as project documentation.
Maggie: I am the design manager who works very closely with the clients on their needs and requirements. I'm also responsible in implementing their requirements into our proposed designs.
Charinee: My work scope includes planning, designing and furnishing interiors for respective clients. I usually conferred with clients to determine factors that might affect planning and the interior environment.

3. What is the most challenging part of your role? How did you overcome it?

Jeremy: Some of the challenges encountered were the many rounds of design changes from the client. When we have time constraints, we've to micro-manage the entire construction process and involve the clients closely to ensure the completion of project on time so as to meet the client's requirements and satisfaction.
Maggie: The most challenging part could be the delay experienced in decision making as there might be many "layers" in an organisation for clearance. Because of this, we might have to work at a faster rate to compensate for lost time.
Charinee: Getting the client to accept the proposed design especially when it's different from the norm.

4. What do you think are important to ensure a successful project completion from design brainstorming to project handover? (eg teamwork, communication, etc)

Jeremy: The most important is team work. The key is communication: to ensure all parties are involved in their scope of work. During the project cycle, all documentation must be in order. Project profitiability, cost efficiencies, resource planning & deployment are to be monitored to minimise risks and to maximise quality of workmanship to achieve a timely handover that complies with all regulations. It's important to meet client satisfaction. Not forgetting high profits haha…
Maggie: When the client and our team members are working towards the common goal with the same passion.
Charinee: I think communication and punctuality in meeting the timelines are important.

A Scrumptious Good Time

On 18 May, all of us at Kyoob-ID trotted down to Changi Airport for some rest and relaxation. We went there for one of our favourite pastimes – eating. So it's with eager anticipation that we turned up at Azur at the Crowne Plaza Hotel at Changi Airport Terminal 3 to partake of its Eastern and Western international lunch buffet. And a lip-smacking fare it was, as could be seen from the photos. And it's not just the food we indulged in, but we also enjoyed putting our feet up (metaphorically of course) and catching up with colleagues we might have neglected in the daily buzz of work. We certainly hope to do this more often!

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