a chat with maggie & celes

A Chat with Kyoob-id’s Associate Directors, Maggie Yeo and Celes Geronimo

What does a bass-player who loves jamming with friends after hours have in common with a gym rat who adores her children to bits? A lot, in fact.

Both are newly appointed associate directors of Kyoob-id, tasked with growing the company to excellence in the areas of design and client management. We have a chat with them on their interests, scope, and their thoughts about the industry.

1. How would you describe yourself?
Maggie: I am easy to work with because I always provide clear instructions and objectives to every task. I am also open to opinions and suggestions that can help to resolve problems in the most efficient way. This drive to complete tasks in the most effective and efficient way may be attributed to the high expectations that I have of myself and others.

Celes: I consider myself energetic in anything I put my focus into, whether it’s family, a hobby, or my profession. I prefer arrogant confidence to false humility; I tend to be a very straightforward person. I thrive in a positive environment. I dislike negativity and complacency; I tend to expect the best from a person, but I try to make sure I provide my best as well. I respect the norms in whatever form, but I go against the norm if it leads to innovation.

2. Tell us a little about your past work experience.
Maggie: Although I read Chemistry in NUS, having obtained a Bachelor Degree in Science, my job experience by far has nothing to with science. Previously, I was a fashion retail owner for seven years. I’ve always liked the interior design industry because it provides the opportunity for transformation and I was thankful that I was given the opportunity to join the industry back then.

Celes: I studied Architecture and practiced the various disciplines that went with the profession: design, space planning, documentation; I even had a stint at construction work. I focused more on 3-d during the major part of my career, but majority of it is based on corporate interior design. I had ample experience running a team, while running a 3-d visualisation company for five years.

3. Tell us more about your new role and responsibility.
Maggie: As Associate Director for Project, my new scope includes overseeing the Project team and working hand-in-hand with them. This would of course include ensuring project profitability, timely delivery of projects and their outstanding issues, as well as providing quality after sales service. Furthermore, I’d also look into providing guidance and opportunities for my team members to grow.

Celes: Being appointed Associate Director for Design, I am tasked to manage Kyoob-id's design team – ensuring the team’s continuing excellence in space planning, conceptualisation, technical detailing, and visualisation/presentation. Part of my role is to liaise with clients during the design development stages. I also coordinate with the Project team for schedules. Apart from these, I am expected to make the design team as cohesive as possible and keep their morale high at all times.

4. What do you think is the most important attribute for your role?
Maggie: To lead and the ability to provide and articulate clear objectives for everyone.

Celes: I quote Jiro, a 3-star Michelin master chef in Tokyo on his five qualities of being a good chef/leader: 1. Taking my work seriously 2. Always aspiring to improve 3. Maintaining cleanliness (image) 4. Being a better leader than a collaborator 5. Passion. I think you cannot have one without the other four.

5. If there is one thing you could change or improve in the office, what would it be and how do you suggest doing that?
Maggie: Determining optimal process flows are important especially when routine procedures are involved; in this way, a lot of time can be saved, enabling staff to be more productive. Also, we need to ensure that green measures we believe in, such as controlling print quota, are properly adhered to.

Celes: It would be ideal to see my colleagues becoming some of the best creative minds in the design industry, if I can guide them well and assist to provide them more external training to enhance their skills. I would also really like to see more synergy among the team members. Work does bond everyone together, but office activities will definitely help. Kyoob-id is quite known as a happy family, but I believe it can be enhanced further.

6. What do you think are some of the upcoming trends in the interior design industry?
Maggie: Mobile space – not everyone has a fixed desk – will become the norm in time. Also, a more collaborative working culture meaning there will be more informal nodes for meetings as well as the seamless transition of the outdoors into the indoor office.

Celes: There was a trend moving towards working outside the office, what with numerous social media platforms and fast communication technologies at present, but I think companies still need employees to collaborate face to face. Office roles are also shifting, and we see company leaders more in the same pulse as their teams, so I see a continuation of the flexible, open office concept. Design per se is an evolving process, with environmental sustainability in mind; we will be seeing more fusion of natural materials with modern elements.

7. What do you do to relax?
Maggie: I work out at the gym and play the badminton. I also enjoy travelling and simple things like spending time with my children, family, and friends. You would also see me relaxing with a drink on Friday evenings.

Celes: I spend time with my twelve-year old son, Enzo, my cat, and listening to, and playing music.

8. If you’re not doing what you’re doing now, you’re likely to be a ________________.
Maggie: A law maker.

Celes: An alien from a different planet.




it all begins with a
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a chat with maggie & celes

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