message from director

Greetings from the Kyoob-id team!

Some of us are receptive to go against the norm when it comes to our office design while others might prefer the conventional and tried-and-tested formula. There is usually a standard style or look or perhaps general requirement for certain business scopes. For a travel agency for example, some of the more common reception fronts would comprise low counter tops for the customer service personnel to attend to customers. In the project we did for Omega Tours & Travel, we deviated from the norm and created a friendlier and lifestyle-oriented reception area. Read more about it in this issue.

Internally, we’ve also made two new appointments to oversee our design and project departments in an attempt to streamline and to improve our operations. Our staff Maggie Yeo is our newly appointed Associate Director for Project; she will manage the project team, making sure that our clients’ objectives are aligned and adhered to. Whereas Celestino is our Associate Director for Design; his task will include ensuring that quality of our creative work is always met as well as pushing our boundaries and excellence in design.

We have also, on a company level, committed to two runs that are coming up in November and December. The two runs are Run For Hope on 17 November and the Standard Chartered Marathon to be held on 1 December. To be in excellent shape for these runs, we need practice, practice and practice. Hence, recently we went on a night run to get our hearts pumping to ready ourselves. We will definitely arrange for more of such runs. We hope you’d enjoy what we’ve prepared for this issue.

Improving lives at the workplace is Kyoob-id’s mission, and we’ll carry on doing it with passion. We love to hear from you. Send us a note:

Michelle Goh, Director



it all begins with a
green dot...

message from director
project update
scenic practice run
a chat with maggie & celes

Kyoob-id Pte Ltd | 28 Genting Lane, #01-01 Platinum 28 , Singapore 349585 | T +65 6842 2770
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