      project update: The Sky’s The Limit

Interior design is about creating experiences for the individual. All the interior elements like flooring, wall fixtures, as well as furniture and finishing compound to create an environment that would in turn evoke a series of emotions in the occupant. One element that is often neglected in an environment design is the ceiling. And in many ceiling designs, the need for practicality often surpasses the aesthetics. A well-dressed ceiling however can speak volumes and contribute to the intended positioning of the space and company. Below are some projects with ceiling designs.

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Reinforces the corporate identity (SATS Ltd)
The round recessed ceiling is an extension of the SATS new corporate icon, which also comes in a circular shape.

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Enhances the atmosphere (Cedele by the Bakery Depot)
The warm and lofty ambience at the café bakery is further underscored by eclectic hanging lamps.

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Sets the theme (Click! By Max Photo & Singapore Polytechnic Auditorium)
Max Photo’s new retail outlet “Click!” is clad in photographic elements like camera grid and lens aperture to instil belonging in photography enthusiasts. The large feature ceiling is inspired from a camera lens aperture shape.

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Three-D cut-outs of honeycomb fill the ceiling at the Singapore Polytechnic’s lecture theatre, immersing engineering students in a total learning environment

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Minimalist and evergreen (Haymarket & Kyoob-id)
Exposed ceilings with beams, ducts, and pipes contribute to an office’s industrialist vibe. Uncovered ceilings also project a minimalistic, understated, and lofty atmosphere to an office.



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