Shooting fun

Physical activity is one of the surest ways to get fit; and the best part is sweating it out over outdoor games. The Kyoob-id team went down to Bishan Park one Saturday morning for some serious fun with a laser shoot-out game. Using laser guns, we pitted brawn and mind against one another, playing attack and defence in the name of fun. Our activities are not just for staff, but we also invite family members to join so that we can get to know one another better. The game is certainly a great chance for the team to bond and all of us feel recharged and rejuvenated for the weekend




it all begins with a
green dot...

message from director
project update
shooting fun
a chat with emily tan

Kyoob-id Pte Ltd | 28 Genting Lane, #01-01 Platinum 28 , Singapore 349585 | T +65 6842 2770
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