a chat with jessica ho

Jessica might come across as professional and crisp when you first met her; but she is also one of the rare few with a creative energy and talent that would surprise you. When she is not working, she is pursuing her creative interests, which range from visual & digital arts such as drawing and video editing to culinary pastimes like baking pastries & puffs that are good enough to sell; she also picks up Korean, a language that she can speak and read fairly well.

1. Tell us a little about yourself.
I’m a very straight forward person, who avoids conflicts whenever possible. I’m also very focused on getting things done on time and preparation in advance with a systemic approach to any task on hand. I think this is the key to success.

2. Tell us a little about what you’ve done before.
I started in the hospitality industry then moved on to the pharmaceutical, and subsequently to the broadcast entertainment sector. My scope in the past was mainly administrative work, but I took on a managerial and then facility management role when I joined a broadcast entertainment company.

3. Tell us a little about what you do in Kyoob-id.
Exploring new avenues to develop the business basically summarises my role.

4. What do you think is the most important attribute for your role?
Meeting people from different industries and fields of expertise; learning something new through each project while bringing solutions to their work spaces are challenging and rewarding at the same time.

5. What are some of the challenges you face and how would you handle them?
One of the biggest challenges I face is educating clients and differentiating the services of an interior designer from the ones offered by builders/contractors. Very often, clients do not know the difference.

6. What do you do to relax?
Listening to music, especially Kpop.

7. If you’re not doing what you’re doing now, you’re likely to be doing something creative.




it all begins with a
green dot...

message from director
project update
nuss opening
a chat with jessica ho

Kyoob-id Pte Ltd | 28 Genting Lane, #01-01 Platinum 28 , Singapore 349585 | T +65 6842 2770
email: marketing@kyoob.com.sg | web: