message from director

Greetings from the Kyoob-id team!

Recently, we had the opportunity to work on a design and build project for a global leader in essential oils and wellness’ company called Young Living. For this project, we brought many elements of the organic herb farms – places of origin where the essential oils are harvested – into the space. Space was also effectively utilised and new pools of space were created for various functions of the company. Read more about the project inside.

In July, Kyoob-id completed our audit for ISO certification and was awarded the ISO 9001:2008 certification. The entire company was involved in the process, which took a few months to complete. Going for the certification was a natural step for the company as we progress and expand. The certification reflects our commitment to establishing quality in our work processes including customer service and project management functions.

We had a couple of internal workshops and activities recently. One particular interesting activity was a drumming workshop that was conducted by drummer, Jeremy Yeo, in our office in July. Drumming, according to research, can help us to discover more about our emotions. When done regularly, drumming can also help to boost immunity and reduce stress among other positive outcomes. It was definitely a fun-filled session that was enjoyed by all of our staff.

Watch out this space as we continue to bring you more updates on the company front. Improving lives at the workplace is Kyoob-id’s mission, and we’ll carry on doing it with passion. We love to hear from you. Send us a note:

Michelle Goh, Director



it all begins with a
green dot...

message from director
project update
a chat with boat

Kyoob-id Pte Ltd | 28 Genting Lane, #01-01 Platinum 28 , Singapore 349585 | T +65 6842 2770
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